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Why Policy Expenses should be Separated from Policy Performance?

Monday, May 5, 2014

Prudent Investor principles separate product expense loads from performance assumptions. Product expense loads should be a reference point to measure between policies and the industry norms. Projected performance is an undetermined future event that skews the validity of a proposal, which can create a false expectation to a prospective client.  Nationally recognized product due diligence expert Barry Flagg, CFP, CLU, ChFC is interviewed by Steve Savant, syndicated financial columnist and talk show host featuring The Product Due Diligence Series on Let’s Get Down to Business.

Steve Savant brings up a great point in this video that "the fiduciaries, trust officers, CFOs and the people that make the decisions... like the terms used by Veralytic for the separation of expenses [from performance] because even if they don't know anything about life insurance, they know about expenses." Veralytic knows that it is counter-intuitive to speak in life insurance terms and instead takes the life insurance language and puts it in a format that is easily understood by those that make the decisions for the policy.  Veralytic research is simply the fastest, easiest, and most cost-effective way to measure the pricing and performance of any permanent life insurance product against peer-group alternatives as they relate to your (client’s) planning objectives.

To give Veralytic research a try under our NO-risk trial subscription, click here to register.

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