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Maximize your planning & show clients you are taking care of them with Veralytic

Life insurance is an integral component of the business continuation and estate plans of your clients, yet it is often the last, largest and most neglected asset on their balance sheets and in their estates. Your clients hire you because they know and expect you take care of them. Yet few know what they are being charged for cost of insurance charges (COIs), fixed administration expenses (FAEs), cash­value-based “wrap fees” (e.g., VUL M&Es) and premium loads. These costs inside your clients’ life insurance policies vary by as much as 80% and if neither you nor they know what they are being charged, then they may be over-charged.

Veralytic can help you show your clients that you are taking care of them in ways that even most insurance agents or brokers cannot. Veralytic is the only patented, objective and rules-based research tool that goes beyond the overly-simplistic comparisons of illustrations of hypothetical policy values that can be considered “misleading” and “improper” by both financial and insurance industry authorities. Veralytic’s independent research reports provide a facts-based solution that is both compliant with industry regulations and established case law.

If you serve as trustee of an irrevocable life insurance trust (I LIT), then Veralytic also helps you document compliance with Uniform Prudent Investor Act (UPIA) Sections 7 and 2(c)(5). For a relatively small price, Veralytic Research independently measures policy charges and performance and provides documentation that the inforce policy and/or product being recommended is competitive and suitable relative to the universe of peer-group product alternatives. Having this documentation can help protect you against a potential UPIA lawsuit or challenge.

To begin providing your client with confidence that comes with knowing you are taking care of them and maximizing your planning for them, follow this link so you can start the Veralytic Report analysis right away.